Full Disclosure and a Lonely Democrat

On the return flight from Nicaragua I saw a great, short, indie film! I liked it so much, I downloaded it from iTunes. (Only $1.99. I don’t usually buy stuff with DRM, or recommend stuff that costs money, but this was worth it!) Synopsis:

Tired of wasting time on relationships that break up when one person discovers something they can't stand about the other, Everett decides to reveal all his terrible habits, attitudes, and hang-ups on the first date.
Shockingly, women don't respond as he expects... until he meets Brinn, who's willing to play his game and try for Full Disclosure.

Reminds me of me! Especially fun for you Radical Honesty types. Check it out:

Here’s a tongue in cheek takeoff on YouTube’s LonelyGirl15 — LonelyDem07:
Hey, it’s raining subpoenas! It’s about time!

Oh, and the impeachment flash mob was apparently a success with over 1200 participants. I couldn’t make it, but someone sent me this link showing aerial photos:


P.S. If you missed the photos from my trip to Nicaragua, here they are: